Patrik Karlsson

Scuba Supply has been growing and today we market more brands than ever, we support our dealers and clients with an open phone line and we help all dealers with offers, after sales, claims, repairs and good advice and knowledge. To meet the needs from our growing market we have introduced an new trusted staff member.

Calle Blomdahl

Calle Blomdahl with a long experience of running a dive center in Sweden, educating divers and doing UW photography is already in place working for Scuba Supply in Kungshamn. Calle is answering the phone, supporting dealers and users from 13.00 until 17.00 every day. He is also taking care of “front office” tasks like mail and shipments coming in and going out on a daily basis. 

Calle and Patrik will be working together in the Kungshamn office and we take the opportunity to welcome all our dealers and users for a visit. In our show room you can look, feel and get to know our products in real life. Just call us and book a time before you arrive so we can reserve time for you and have the coffee ready. Our service technician Torbjörn is operating in Kungshamn as usual and our Pro support from Magnus Lundgren is working from his office in Skåne. 

We look forward to support you.

Best wishes,

Patrik, Calle, Magnus & Torbjörn