Light packages
At the top we designed some highly popular packages for primarily GoPro, compact camera and phone users.
Our most popular package combinations for lights
Here you find all our Light packages in one big category for easy and fast browsing.
We have a "great value package philosophy" allowing for nice price when ordering a package.
- Use the filter boxes to quickly find an interesting package selectíon
- Combine the filters with the brand of your choice
Note that some products may have several uses and can be viewed in several filter boxes.
All individual parts are completely compatible with each other even across different brands.
To mount individual lights to you package you can use the dedicated packages in this category or go to Packages Arms & Trays.
The products in each package can be modified to suit your specific liking or needs. Just send a mail or call +46 (0(40 186262 for advice or a quote.
About arm packages
Combine an arm package with a strobe or a light of your choise when you order. We have fixed arm packages, but the packages may also serve as an inspiration and you can suggest your own tweek of an existing arm package. Arm package considerations:
Art. no. LIGHTKIT-SS-0221 450 SEK
Art. no. LIGHTKIT-SS-0172 350 SEK
Art. no. LIGHTKIT-SS-0391 250 SEK
Art. no. LIGHTKIT-SS-0322 350 SEK
Art. no. LIGHTKIT-SS-0346 850 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-028850 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0171 150 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0141 650 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0132 350 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0151 550 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0201 150 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0162 150 SEK
Art. no. IK407812 150 SEK
Art. no. IK407822 950 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0181 650 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0191 550 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0242 650 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0252 850 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0262 850 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-0272 250 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-023690 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-021550 SEK
Art. no. ARMKIT-SS-022650 SEK
Art. no. 200401950 SEK
Art. no. 2004021 150 SEK
Art. no. SCL TG15650 SEK
Art. no. 403621 950 SEK
Art. no. SCL REMOTE-SET1 550 SEK
Art. no. LIGHTKIT-SS-0373 950 SEK
Art. no. KE13468 750 SEK